Daily Life

Is life better in shorts?

It was few months ago when this happened, eight months to be exact, yet it barely feels like weeks. I believe I have described it as my passion and desire coming off the country road onto a german highway. The exact words I have used were I have no plan, I have no hopes for the future, I have no self control, no self preservation. For that brief moment of passion not only I have abandoned all sense of responsibility, I have abandoned my continent. My passions have brought me to many places in life, I would have never thought that one day, it will be the far away land of Oz.

They say that people whose first reaction is to smile when they make eye contact with a stranger are among the world’s greatest treasures. By that logic, there’s a lot of treasure here in Australia. Maybe that’s the reason why people come down here, for the smiling population, for the weather, for the barefoot lifestyle, possibly for the kangaroos. Yes, people often come to Australia, generally not to follow someone. Generally I am not most people and I have moved to the land down under, today marks a month of my upside down life.

Not knowing where I was headed since I have quit my job in the UK has caused me a great deal of anxiety. Being the girl with the plan – her own plan, I have suddenly realized I got myself into a situation I am unable to control. It might have been for the noblest of reasons, it still wasn’t easy. Whilst having a short holiday from reality can be amazing, if it lasts too long, you become too afraid. My distress and apprehension started to show and social interactions became harder than ever. Even now after slowly settling down, finding a job and falling asleep next to the boy of my life I am still not myself. It can only get better now. Today I went to a class of yoga, I felt so peaceful in between my asanas with the view of the sea, I thought I can’t be too far from finding my center again.

2016 surely has been a year of change, not only for me, but for the closest people around me. I have experienced some wonderful moments and I have no regrets, I couldn’t be more grateful for how everything has turned out. I found this photo from years ago when Dominika came to visit me in Scotland. I wonder what we were thinking then. What was the plan, where did we think we would end up? It’s still one of my favorite photos ever. One thing we can be sure of, we will always have nature, we will always find reasons to be poetic, and there will always be those moments we can turn to. Please brace yourself for my new journal from this faraway land. I dare to say you shall not be disappointed.


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