I need to write this now and I need to write this quick before it disappears. More importantly before my washing machine beeps at me and the baby wakes up. I am totally at peace, content and happy right now. There I said it. Now I will underline it and memorise it. I hope it doesn’t just go away with the rest of the postpartum hormones.
Wow what a change of pace to what a hectic and a horrible last year has been. (When I am referring to this “hard year” I generally mean that whole time I was pregnant and working). My tired Lukas might tell you a different story, but I absolutely love adjusting to having two kids. Josie is now at an age when she can be my friend and an ally. Somebody who I now enjoy spending time with and as you know that wasn’t always the case. She will happily go and sit with me having her babycino and provided I pay attention to her, it will be a blissful experience. And Sebastian… well he’s adorable as babies are. He’s totally chill, sleeps and drinks milk like a baby. Suddenly Josie grew up into this girl, who talks so much and has a great sense of humour, which only shows that they grow up in the tiniest second. Even though some days can be so taxing and so long, in the end the time they are little is actually really short. Knowing that somehow lets me totally relax into the state of things as they are right now – for now. I don’t constantly feel like I want to be doing anything other than being a mum and I am not so obsessed with having a completely quiet and still time when I can only read books. I know the time will come when I will have that again, but the time when I have an adorable baby in my arms and my toddler tells me “I love you mummy” every day will never come back. So I cuddle them and I cuddle them hard. I watch them grow and I think it’s way too fast. Sebastian is already out of two sizes in five weeks. I wish the newborn stage lasted at least six months. I love the newborn cuddles so much.
I also have two days when Josie is in kindy when I can go for long walks, write this and go to cafes and it brings back the blissful time when Josie was a baby. I love them two together as well and I just think: can’t believe I made them. Whilst this is something that’s completely common, it’s not any less magical. Never have I ever had anything better than my family. Now all I need is a dog. Maybe two.
October 23, 2021 at 6:34 pmA beautiful piece. X
October 25, 2021 at 12:24 pmthanks babes <3